lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

The importance of travelling

One of the most wealth-producing experiences, undoubtedly, is to travel.
When one has not travelled, our world is the immediate environment, the rest ..., it is supposed. Depending on the own interest and on the personal characteristics, we will be capable of knowing great or few geography, of respecting, or not, the differences, of understanding better or worse the politics or of valuing the distant events with major or minor nonchalance.

All that changes when we know another region, another country, another continent. In every trip, the personal world wide, it is enlarged and becomes richer.

There is no better way of learning geography that travelling, the area on that you tread you place it in the map accurately. The hours of movement by road, of navigation or of flight they make you perceive the dimension of the distances, the distance, the big thing that is the world. Other landscapes are seen, with mountains higher or more distant than ours, plains, beaches, deserts, jungles ... seas that are drying off, the formation again I occur, islands that sink. Everything what we study in the books turns in royal and has life when we visit it.

In other places we listen to different sounds and feel other temperatures. The intense sound of a few cataracts or the silence of a snowfall, they are unforgettable.

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